Urfi Javed’s outfits have gone viral, not just in India but worldwide. She works with multiple people in her team to create her looks and new, built from scratch designer dresses. One of them is Shweta Srivastava, a designer who once revealed in an interview that the ideas for most of Urfi Javed’s outfits come from the star herself, and she simply executes them as a designer.
No one, and quite literally no one, would have ever imagined that a girl from Lucknow would come out of nowhere and take over the tinsel town fashion scene like the way Urfi has. Restaurants, the airport, parties, events and what not – Urfi’s outfits have created buzz and controversies alike. Here are some of the moments when she has stepped out werkin’ lewks that no one knew existed.
Urfi Javed’s sheer green full bodysuit outfit and a gold choker
Traffic stopped outside Bayroute, a restaurant in Juhu, as Urfi Javed came in for a dinner night out. She wore a sheer green full bodysuit paired with a gold choker necklace. “Nakli hai, asli nahi hai” she immediately clarified when someone pointed out the designer gold choker.
For a little more context, Bayroute is a restaurant in Juhu. It is one of the popular joints in tinsel town and serves up middle eastern food. A meal for two with drinks could easily cost in upwards of 3000 rupees.
Urfi Javed’s Airport Outfit
Urfi added the shock factor to a white top and bottoms by pairing them with an innerwear shaped outerwear. She completed her all-white lewk with headwear and heels. Pictures and videos of her outfit raked up millions of views on social media.
Urfi Javed’s balloon sleeves outfit
At first it looked like the balloon sleeves were a attached to Urfi Javed’s outfit. But it later turned out that she could easily take them out – which she later did. The outfit was quite quirky but she almost tripped when the heels got stuck in the flooring.
These moments are in Bandra. Urfi had stepped out for a shoot at a podcast office.
Urfi Javed’s tree like outfit
Urfi Javed’s outfits have always made a quirky statement and this one was no different. A person standing on the side actually asked “Yeh jhhaad hai kya” to which she let out a chuckle.
This denim outfit made a debut when Urfi came for dinner at a restaurant in Juhu
Urfi Javed’s Shirt & Hanger Outfit
A shirt on a hanger? While that by itself doesn’t sound shocking but Urfi being Urfi, there was a twist pro max to her idea of wearing a shirt. She left her shirt on the hangar and hung the hangar on herself. The shirt even had a tie! She wrapped up the lewk with sheer elbow length gloves, a long black skirt and black heels. Take a look.
“This is not an Urfi Javed outfit” dress
“This is not an Urfi Javed outfit” she quipped as she stepped out in Andheri. She said that the dress was not her vibe, and was put together in a hurry.
Getting back in the car was not an easy task.
Urfi Javed’s toy-car belt outfit
The airport look girl surprised everyone when she turned up at the hawaai adda wearing a belt that was made from toy cars. Actual toy cars, not just a design. She wore the belt over a crop top and denim shorts which seemed to have been put through a tie dye round.
“Kaun kaunsi car hai? Urfi jee Lamborghini kab aayegi?” she was jokingly asked when the camera teams saw the toy cars. She quipped back “Porche aur Ferrari se neeche hum baat nahi karte”
Urfi Javed’s spooky scary outfit
It was a super spooky outfit for Urfi Javed as she wore what looked like a mold of sorts, over jeans. Two hands were jutting out from the waist area – no doubt this would have looked very scary if someone were to bump into her at night. Urfi werked this outfit as she stepped into a podcast office for a shoot.
Urfi Javed’s airport outfit – Tum Log Naam De Do is outfit ka, she said
Urfi’s original claim to fame were her airport looks. People knew her as the viral airport look girl. Although now Urfi’s collection of outfits has gone from just a couple of airport looks to new designs every week – she still turns up at the hawaai adda werkin’ her latest lewk drops.
She usually has a word or two about her dresses but this time she’s like ‘Tum log hi naam diya karo’ when asked ‘Yeh outfit ka naam kya hai?’
Urfi Javed’s dinner night out look in double denim
Urfi was spotted as she stepped out in Juhu for a dinner night out. She decided to keep it low-key (by her standards) and wore a denim crop top over denim shorts and heels. Not your everyday dinner outfit – but when did Urfi ever do everyday normal stuff.